“Transform your fashion dreams into reality. From concept to creation, our expert guidance empowers your design projects and startup ventures.”

Fashion Design


Start-up consultation


Technical Design




Factory Sourcing




Custom Designs


Fashion Design - Start-up consultation - Technical Design - Presentations - Factory Sourcing - Prints - Custom Designs -

With over a decade of experience, our fashion consultancy offers top-notch design, art direction, and technical expertise. From clothing to handbags, we create cohesive collections that reflect your brand's identity. Collaborating closely with you, we provide tailor-made solutions that elevate your brand in the ever-changing fashion landscape. We take the time to understand your vision, values, and target audience, allowing us to offer tailor-made solutions that resonate with your brand ethos. With us by your side, you can confidently navigate the ever-changing fashion landscape while staying true to your brand's identity.

Our Fashion Design Services:

Start-Up consultation

Consultation Fee: $150/h

Our start-up consultation services are all about helping you turn your fashion business dreams into reality. We understand that starting a fashion business can be a daunting task, and we're here to guide you through every step of the process. We have a team of experienced fashion business consultants who are passionate about fashion and dedicated to helping you succeed.


From $150 

Our detailed fashion design mood boards and presentations weave captivating visual stories, immersing clients in inspiration and creativity. With a meticulous selection of images, textures, colors, and fabric swatches, our mood boards evoke a specific atmosphere and emotion, guiding clients through our design journey.

Design// Sketches

From $200

The fashion design concept is an exquisite fusion of elegance and boldness, tailored to fulfill the unique desires of our discerning clients. Drawing inspiration from diverse cultures, we intricately blend luxurious fabrics, vibrant colors, and avant-garde silhouettes to create garments that transcend trends and embrace individuality.

Fashion Illustration

From $200

Portfolio creation for professional or personal use will help you stand out among other clients. We can review and adjust your portfolio. We can also create custom fashion illustrations on demand. Our fashion illustration services are all about bringing your ideas to life in a unique and visually stunning way.

Technical design/ CADS

From $350

The fashion design technical designs and sketches serve as the foundation for any manufacturing process. We meticulously map out fabric placements, closures, and trims, ensuring seamless integration of all elements. Our technical drawings also incorporate accurate measurements, allowing for precise fit and proportions.

Grading & Specification

From $150

We specialize in providing personalized solutions for clothing grading and size chart creation, tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. With our expertise in garment construction and industry standards, we ensure that your designs are accurately scaled and translated into comprehensive size charts.

Creative Direction

From $200

Our creative direction services are all about bringing your vision to life. We understand that fashion is not just about looking good, it's about expressing yourself, and we want to help you do that in the most creative and impactful way possible.

3D Design

From $500

We understand that the future of fashion lies in the realm of 3D design. With our in-depth knowledge and mastery of 3D modeling software, we bring your creative visions to life like never before.

Custom Sketches

From $200

Whether you have a specific concept in mind or need guidance in developing your ideas, we collaborate closely with you to bring your vision to life on paper.

Handbag Design

From $350

Handbag design services are all about creating unique and functional bags that are both stylish and practical. We understand that a great handbag is more than just an accessory - it's an extension of your personal style and an essential part of your daily life. 

Men’s Design

From $200

Moving beyond the sketch, we seamlessly transition into the technical design phase, where we meticulously develop patterns, refine details, and ensure precise measurements.

Children’s Design

From $200

With a wealth of experience in the fashion industry, our consultancy specializes in designing enchanting children's wear that combines creativity and functionality. From the initial sketch to the meticulous technical design phase.

Textile Prints+AOP

From $500

We possess a unique ability to blend artistry and technical expertise, resulting in textiles that elevate and define your brand's aesthetic. Our team of skilled designers curates distinctive patterns and textures, infusing your fashion creations with personality and allure.

Factory Sourcing

From $150

The D//S team has an extensive network of manufacturing contacts, both domestically and internationally, allowing us to identify factories that align with your specific requirements and production goals.

Fabric Experts

From $150

Our fabric sourcing process includes thorough research, supplier evaluations, and in-depth fabric analysis. We prioritize sustainability and ethical sourcing practices, ensuring that the fabrics we source meet your brand's values and industry standards.

Trend Forecasting

From $150

Fashion trend forecasting involves analyzing current styles and predicting future trends, helping designers stay ahead in the industry. Our presentations offer detailed insights into upcoming fashion trends, providing valuable guidance for design decisions.

Private Label Projects Created for:

Get in touch.

We understand the importance of collaboration and value your unique perspective. Our personalized consultations ensure that we truly grasp your vision, allowing us to provide tailored solutions that exceed your expectations. From concept development and fabric selection to garment construction and production, we offer comprehensive services to make your fashion dreams a reality.

Ready to embark on a transformative fashion journey? Reach out to us today via the contact form below.